it training

This  IT Training is specific to the Information Technology (IT) industry or to the skills relevant to those who work in information technology jobs. 

These skill sets are present in jobs that require some level of computer science, network administration, information technology management, cloud computing, telecommuncations, etc.

"Basic IT Training" is a course that's designed specifically for those who are completely new to computers or who feel they need to have more instruction before they can feel confident buying a new computer for their personal use.  Filled with screenshots and real life examples, as well as resources, this source is designed to help anyone feel more comfortable with basic technology.

This course is separated into 12 different lessons, including: Parts of a Computer, What to Look for When Buying, Setting up a Safe Work Area, Virus Protection, Getting Your Computer Up and Running, Surfing the ‘Net,' Sending Email, Using Your Media Methods, Advanced Email, Pictures, Word Processing Basics, and Finding Everything.

"Basic IT Training" covers both Windows and Linux, helping you to have the right information when you're ready to start exploring the Internet or just creating a word processing document.

With summaries, True/False, and multiple-choice questions at the end of each section, you will be able to review the lessons in detail, while also finding out where you have more work to do.

The screenshots help to give real life examples that can guide you to setting up your first email account or using email in more advanced ways.  No matter what your level of comfort with computers, "Basic IT Training" is designed to help you get the basic questions answered.

"Basic IT Training" is a course that's designed with the basic user in mind, someone who wants to learn more about computers, but may have been afraid to ask until now.

Bimbel Jakarta Timur

Bimbingan belajar Bimbel berlokasi di Jakarta Timur, Tutorship Vista, Bimbel dengan Sistem Pembelajaran Adaptif Jakarta Timur

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